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http://www.xcyqw.com 2014-12-10 15:02 上海翻譯公司



²  1、結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整的主攻方向是擴(kuò)大內(nèi)需。


The main focus of structural adjustment is to expand domestic demand.

Structural adjustment is a big issue, which calls for a lot of efforts. We should never view structural adjustment as only about reducing overcapacity, which is just one aspect of structural adjustment. There are still a lot of problems in the overall economic structure. There is another key aspect of structural adjustment that we have been focusing on all along-expanding domestic demand. This is the most important aspect of structural adjustment and also a sure way to achieve stable growth. As China is a big economy, we cannot depend mainly on external demand, but should base ourselves on domestic demand. Of course, this will be a gradual process, but we must move towards this direction, and adopt new methods and new mechanisms.

²  2、大力支持民間投資參與市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。


Vigorously support the participation of private investment in market competition.

We should thoroughly review and revise the administrative regulations, departmental rules and normative documents concerning private investment, and adopt well-defined, transparent, fair, equitable and enforceable market access rules. We should set up road signs rather than road blocks, and clear the path for private investors to participate in market competition. We should resolutely break various glass doors and swing doors that create hidden obstacles to private investment, and tear down the revolving doors that appear to welcome private investors but actually push them out.

²  3、把服務(wù)業(yè)打造成經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的新引擎。


Turn the services sector into a new engine driving sustainable economic and social development.

To vigorously grow the services sector is an important step to ensure stable growth and employment at the current stage and a strategic choice for upgrading the Chinese economy through structural readjustment. Currently, there is an oversupply of many industrial products in China. Although the services sector is generating more value than the industrial sector and creating more jobs than agriculture, many services still cannot meet demand. Therefore, to increase effective supply of services, and improve the performance of the services sector will unleash huge potential in domestic demand, foster strong support for ensuring stable growth, and boost the efforts to carry out economic adjustment and raise the quality and value of products. The services sector is also the biggest job creator. As we work to modernize agriculture and promote IT application, new jobs will be created by the services sector. Boosting the growth of the services sector will help achieve job-creating and more environment-friendly and more sustainable growth.

²  4、加大區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整力度,促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟(jì)長(zhǎng)期持續(xù)健康發(fā)展。


Work harder to adjust the regional economic structure to promote long-term sustainable and sound growth of the economy.

The imbalance in China’s economic structure is mainly found in development gaps between urban and rural areas and among different regions. But central and western China holds the biggest potential for China’s development. The development of western China is high on China’s overall agenda for advancing balanced regional development. The development of western China is a key driver fuelling China’s sound and healthy economic growth, which is also essential to promoting social equity. Such development therefore calls for pursuing differentiated economic policies. Priority should be given to western China is launching major infrastructure projects, and the construction of rail way and highway networks as well as major water conservancy projects should be sped up. Steps should be taken to guide industrial relocation and grow local businesses with distinctive strengths. While continuing current policy incentives, new measures should be adopted to support the relocation of labor-intensive and environment-friendly industries in the western regions, the development and utilization of water ,light, wind and other natural resources as well as processing and commercialization of local energy and mineral resources with competitive strengths in the western regions. We should ensure that the new-type of urbanization and agricultural modernization will reinforce each other. More importance should be given to RD and human resources development. The mechanism of providing incentives should be improved to keep competent personnel in the western regions and fully tap their entrepreneurship and power of innovation.

²  5、施政要以信為本、知行合一。


Credibility and delivering results are essential to good governance.

An ancient Chinese philosopher observed that a man cannot establish himself in society without credibility. This is also true for a government. Good governance is based on the government’s credibility. Governments at all levels and the relevant authorities should focus on policy implementation to ensure that promises are speedily honored to benefit the people. All local governments and government bodies should be proactive and conduct a full review of the progress in implementing the policies and measures introduced by the State Council this year. Credible steps should be taken to ensure that all those policies and measures are not treated as “empty slogans”, but are fully implemented and deliver real results. Full implementation of government decisions and policies and results-oriented actions are key to fulfilling the government’s commitment to the people.

²  6、政府過緊日子,人民過好日子。


The government should tighten its belt to make people lead a better life.

To build a clean government, we must honor the government’s three-point commitment to the general public and practice economy. (The three-point commitment: Construction of new government buildings and renovation and expansion of existing government buildings are prohibited. The total number of government employees is to be reduced. Government spending of official overseas visits, official vehicles and official hospitality is to be reduced.) Public funding, especially funding for basic welfare programs, is a “high voltage power line” that no government department or institution or individual should touch without authorization. We should promptly expose and severely penalize violations of laws and regulations and truly live up to our commitment of buildings a clean government and tightening government belt to make people lead a better life. Governments at all levels must improve conduct, practice frugality, guard against extravagance, and live on a tight budget so that money saved will be spent where it is needed most and conditions can be created to advance business tax-to-VAT reform. The government has the responsibility to serve the people. Money taken from the people should be used to bring benefit to them. When the government practices economy, more money can be used to meet people’s meet.

²  7、加快織就織好一張覆蓋全民的社會(huì)保障“安全網(wǎng)”。


Accelerate the establishment of a social safety net that covers the whole population.

The government should place priority on meeting people’s basic needs, and we should accelerate the establishment of a social safety net that covers the whole population. In particular, we should strengthen the weak links, meet minimum living needs and provide basic guarantee for people’s lives. At the same time, we need to fully leverage the role of the market and society in providing non-basic public services. We need to put in place a social safety net that meets people’s minimum living needs so that people will feel reassured when seeking employment or starting their own business. We should deliver a good performance in ensuring and improving people’s lives by acting on the principle of meeting people’s basic and minimum living needs and promoting equity and sustainable development.

