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http://www.xcyqw.com/ 2016-12-20 13:18 上海翻譯公司


In a few hours the New Year bell will be ringing. We will bid farewell to 2015 and greet the first ray of sunshine of 2016.


In 2015, the Chinese people have made tremendous efforts and accomplished a lot. China’s growth has continued to rank among the fastest in the world. Reform has been advanced in all sectors. Reform of judicial system has been further deepened. The six-pronged campaign to strengthen oversight of governance has improved the political environment. The fight against corruption has been intensified. Thanks to efforts made by people of all ethnic groups across the country, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed. The general public shares a growing sense of gains.


During this past year, we solemnly commemorated the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. We held a grand military parade, declaring to the world that justice will prevail, peace will prevail and the people will prevail. We have implemented a strategy to build strong armed forces through all-round reform and announced that China will cut the number of its military personnel by 300,000. I and Mr. Ma Ying-jeou met in Singapore, realizing a handshake transcending 66 years of time and space. This demonstrates that peaceful growth of relations across the Taiwan Strait represents the common wish of the people in both sides of the Strait.


During this year, Beijing won the bid to host the 24th Winner Olympic Games, The Renminbi has been included into the currency basket of IMF Special Drawing Rights. C919, a big jetliner independently made by China, rolled off the production line. China’s supercomputer broke the world record in terms of calculating speed, being the world’s most powerful supercomputer for six times. The Dark Matter Particle Explorer Satellite made by Chinese scientists was launched into space. To Youyou became China’s first scientist to win a Nobel Prize. All this shows that as long as we persevere, we can surely realize our dreams.


During this year, we have both enjoyed happiness and experienced grief. The capsizing of the Eastern Star ferry, the devastating fire and explosions at the port of Tianjin, the landslide in Shenzhen and other accidents have taken the lives of many of our countrymen, and several countrymen were brutally killed by terrorists. We are deeply saddened by these tragedies. We will cherish memory of our lost countrymen and women. May them rest in peace and their dear one be safe and sound. The people will invariably encounter some difficulties and problems in their daily life. The Communist Party of China(CPC) and the government will continue efforts to ensure the safety of their lives and property, and improve people’s livelihood and their health.

6. 2016年是我國進(jìn)入全面建成小康社會決勝階段的開局之年。中共十八屆五中全會明確了未來5年我國發(fā)展的方向。前景令人鼓舞、催人奮進(jìn),但幸福不會從天而降。我們要樹立必勝信念、繼續(xù)埋頭苦干,貫徹創(chuàng)新、協(xié)調(diào)、綠色、開放、共享的發(fā)展理念,著力推進(jìn)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革,錐栗推進(jìn)改革開放,著力促進(jìn)社會公平正義,著力營造政治上的綠水青山,為全面建成小康社會決勝階段開好局、起好步。

In 2016, China will enter a decisive period to finish buildings a moderately prosperous society in all respects. At its 5th Plenary Session, the 18th CPC Central Committee set China’s development direction for the next five years. The future is encouraging and inspiring, yet happiness will not fall from the sky. We should remain firm in our conviction to succeed, continue to work hard and implement the vision of achieving innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We will endeavor to carry out structural reform, accelerate reform and opening-up, promote social equity and justice, and create a sound political environment. Doing so will enable us to get off to a good start in our efforts to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in this decisive stage.


To build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the 1.3 billion Chinese should forget ahead in a concerted endeavor. To make better life for several dozen million rural poor people is something that is very much on my mind. We have sounded the bugle to win the key battle of poverty alleviation. All Party members and the entire nation should work hard to meet this challenge. We should ensure that all the poor rural people will lift themselves out of poverty within the targeted timeframe. We should care for all those in need and make them feel such warmth from deep in their hearts.


During this year, Chinese leaders have conducted many diplomatic initiatives and attended many international meetings. We have achieved solid progress in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative. We have engaged in many international activities, including the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and efforts to adapt to global climate change. The world is so big and faces so many problems, and the international community wants to hear China’s voice and see China’s solutions. China cannot be absent. We should not only have compassion and sympathy toward people ravaged by sufferings and war, but also fulfill our responsibility by taking actions. China will always embrace the world with open arms, and we will extend our helping hand to people in difficulty and help them to our best ability. Let our circle of friends grow bigger and bigger.


I sincerely hope that the international community will work together to promote peace and cooperation, turn confrontation into cooperation and best swords into ploughshares. Let all of us endeavor to build a community of common future for mankind shared by people of all countries.

