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http://www.xcyqw.com/ 2015-12-02 13:27 翻譯公司
 ²  思想越辯越新,朋友越交越真。

Exchange of views will create new vision, and more interactions bring friends closer.

²  單絲難成線,獨木不成林。

A single thread cannot be spun into a cord. And a single tree cannot create a forest.

²  遠親不如近鄰,近鄰可成友鄰。

A close neighbor is better than a kinsman afar, and close neighbors can become best friends.

²  基礎(chǔ)實才會行得穩(wěn),動力足方能走得遠。

Steady growth is possible only with a solid foundation just as long distance can be covered only by a vehicle with a high-powered engine.

²  己欲立而力人,己欲達而達人,己所不欲,勿施于人。

Those who want to establish themselves in society should begin by helping others to do so; those who want to become prosperous should help others to get rich first; and no one should do to others what he does not want others to do to himself.

²  千川匯海闊,風(fēng)好正揚帆。

Facing the vast ocean that embraces thousands of streams, let us set sail now that the wind is fair.

²  急人所急,雪中送炭,是中國人崇尚的處世之道。

To take others’ concerns as one’s own and offer timely assistance when others are in need is how the Chinese conduct themselves.

²  眾人拾柴火焰高。

When everybody puts firewood in the fire, the flame rises high.

²  同心合意,庶幾有成。

When united with one heart and mind, success is secured.

²  “非洲之子”曼德拉說“在西方文明的浸染中,我始終沒有忘記自己的非洲身份。”

Nelson Mandela, the proud “Son of Africa”, once said, “Western civilization did not completely erase my African origin.”

²  “蜘蛛合力,足以網(wǎng)住獅子”,這句埃塞俄比亞諺語生動揭示了一個樸素的真理:團結(jié)就是力量。

“When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.” This Ethiopian proverb vividly portrays a simple truth that unity is strength.

²  一位詩人曾說:“和你一同笑過的人,你可能把他忘掉,但是和你一同哭過的人,你卻永遠忘不了。”

As a poet once said, “You may have forgotten the person whom you laughed with; but you will never forget the one whom you wept with.”

