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習(xí)主席在2022年世界經(jīng)濟論壇視頻會議的演講 重要語匯中文英語翻譯摘要
www.xcyqw.com 2022-07-06 14:18 翻譯公司


To meet the severe challenges facing humanity, we must "add wings to the tiger” and act with the courage and strength of the tiger to overcome all obstacles on our way forward. We must do everything necessary to clear the shadow of the pandemic and boost economic and social recovery and development, so that the sunshine of hope may light up the future of humanity.


The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. These changes, not limited to a particular moment, event, country or region, represent the profound and sweeping changes of our times.


Notwithstanding all vicissitudes, humanity will move on. We need to learn from comparing long history cycles, and see the change in things through the subtle and minute. We need to foster new opportunities amidst crises, open up new horizons on a shifting landscape, and pool great strength to go through difficulties and challenges.


Facts have shown once again that amidst the raging torrents of a global crisis, countries are not riding separately in some 190 small boats, but are rather all in a giant ship on which our shared destiny hinges. Small boats may not survive a storm, but a giant ship is strong enough to brave a storm.

堅定信心、同舟共濟,是戰(zhàn)勝疫情的唯一正確道路。任何相互掣肘,任何無端“甩 鍋”,都會貽誤戰(zhàn)機、干擾大局。

Strong confidence and cooperation represent the only right way to defeat the pandemic. Holding each other back or shifting blame would only cause needless delay in response and distract us from the overall objective.

中國言必信、行必果,已向120多個國家和國際組織提供超過20億劑疫苗。中國將再向非洲國家提供10億劑疫苗,其中6億劑為無償援助,還將無償向東盟國家提供 1.5億劑疫苗。

China is a country that delivers on its promises. China has already sent over two billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations. Still, China will provide another one billion doses to African countries, including 600 million doses as donation, and will also donate 150 million doses to ASEAN countries.


In the context of ongoing COVID-19 response, we need to explore new drivers of economic growth, new modes of social life and new pathways for people-to-people exchange, in a bid to facilitate cross-border trade, keep industrial and supply chains secure and smooth, and promote steady and solid progress in global economic recovery.

經(jīng)濟全球化是時代潮流。大江奔騰向海, 總會遇到逆流,但任何逆流都阻擋不了大江東去。動力助其前行,阻力促其強大。 盡管出現(xiàn)了很多逆流、險灘,但經(jīng)濟全球化方向從未改變,也不會改變。

Economic globalization is the trend of the times. Though countercurrents are sure to exist in a river, none could stop it from flowing to the sea. Driving forces bolster the river's momentum, and resistance may yet enhance its flow. Despite the countercurrents and dangerous shoals along the way, economic globalization has never and will not veer off course.


Countries around the world should uphold true multilateralism. We should remove barriers, not erect walls. We should open up, not close off. We should seek integration, not decoupling. This is the way to build an open world economy.


No matter what difficulties may come our way, we must adhere to a people-centered philosophy of development, place development and livelihoods front and center in global macro-policies.

歷史反復(fù)證明,對抗不僅于事無補,而且 會帶來災(zāi)難性后果。搞保護主義、單邊主義,誰也保護不了,最終只會損人害己。 搞霸權(quán)霸凌,更是逆歷史潮流而動。

History has proved time and again that confrontation does not solve problems; it only invites catastrophic consequences. Protectionism and unilateralism can protect no one; they ultimately hurt the interests of others as well as one's own. Even worse are the practices of hegemony and bullying, which run counter to the tide of history.

任何執(zhí)意打造“小院高墻”、“平行體系” 的行徑,任何熱衷于搞排他性“小圈子”、“小集團”、分裂世界的行徑,任何泛化國家安全概念、對其他國家經(jīng)濟科技發(fā)展進行遏制的行徑,任何煽動意識形態(tài)對立、把經(jīng)濟科技問題政治化、武器化的行徑,都嚴(yán)重削弱國際社會應(yīng)對共同挑戰(zhàn)的努力。

Acts of single-mindedly building "'exclusive yards with high walls” or "parallel systems”, of enthusiastically putting together exclusive small circles or blocs that polarize the world, of overstretching the concept of national security to hold back economic and technological advances of other countries, and of fanning ideological antagonism and politicizing or weaponizing economic, scientific and technological issues, will gravely undercut international efforts to tackle common challenges.

中國要實現(xiàn)共同富裕,但不是搞平均主義, 而是要先把“蛋糕”做大,然后通過合理的制度安排把“蛋糕”分好,水漲船高、各得其所,讓發(fā)展成果更多更公平惠及全體人民。

The common prosperity we desire is not egalitarianism. To use an analogy, we will first make the pie bigger, and then divide it properly through reasonable institutional arrangements. As a rising tide lifts all boats, everyone will get a fair share from development, and development gains will benefit all our people in a more substantial and equitable way.


For China, reform and opening-up is always a work in process. Whatever change in the international landscape, China will always hold high the banner of reform and opening-up.


We are confident that China will present a streamlined, safe and splendid Gaines to the world. The official motto for Beijing 2022 is "Together for a Shared Future^,. Indeed, let us join hands with full confidence, and work together for a shared future.

