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中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨第二十次全國(guó)代表大會(huì)報(bào)告 重點(diǎn)語匯漢英對(duì)照翻譯摘編-摘自中國(guó)翻譯協(xié)會(huì)
www.xcyqw.com 2023-11-23 10:29 上海翻譯



Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese

Characteristics and Strive in Unity to

Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects

Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

 http://www.xcyqw.com/xwzx_hyxw_xx-8054.html 繼續(xù)


V. Invigorating China through Science and Education and Developing a Strong Workforce for the Modernization Drive


Education, science and technology, and human resources are the foundational and strategic pillars for building a modern socialist country in all respects.


We must regard science and technology as our primary productive force, talent as our primary resource, and innovation as our primary driver of growth. We will fully implement the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the workforce development strategy, and the innovation-driven development strategy. We will open up new areas and new arenas in development and steadily foster new growth drivers and new strengths.


We will continue to give high priority to the development of education, build China's self-reliance and strength in science and technology, and rely on talent to pioneer and to propel development. We will speed up work to build a strong educational system, greater scientific and technological strength, and a quality workforce. We will continue efforts to cultivate talent for the Party and the country and comprehensively improve our ability to nurture talent at home. All this will see us producing first-class innovators and attracting the brightest minds from all over.


1.Developing education that meets the people's expectations


We will fully implement the Party's educational policy, carry out the basic task of fostering virtue through education, and nurture a new generation of capable young people with sound moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills who will fully develop socialism and carry forward the socialist cause.


We will continue to follow a people-centered approach to developing education, move faster to build a high-quality educational system, advance students' well-rounded development, and promote fairness in education.


2.Improving systems for scientific and technological innovation


We will improve the system in which the Party Central Committee exercises unified leadership over science and technology work. We will improve the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to make key technological breakthroughs. We will boost China's strength in strategic science and technology, better allocate innovation resources, and better define the roles of national research institutes, advanced-level research universities, and leading high-tech enterprises to improve their layout. We will establish a system of national laboratories, coordinate the development of international and regional centers for scientific and technological innovation, enhance basic scientific and technological capacity, and ensure better strategic input from the science and technology sector, so as to boost the overall performance of China's innovation system.


3.Accelerating the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy


Setting our sights on the global frontiers of science and technology, national economic development, the major needs of the country, and the health and safety of the people, we should speed up efforts to achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology.


4.Implementing the workforce development strategy


We should follow the principle of the Party managing talent, and we should respect work, knowledge, talent, and creativity. We will adopt more proactive, open, and effective policies on talent and encourage our talent to love the Party, dedicate themselves to the country and contribute to its cause, and serve the people.



VI. Advancing Whole-Process People's Democracy and Ensuring that the People Run the Country


China is a socialist country of people's democratic dictatorship under the leadership of the working class based on an alliance of workers and farmers; all power of the state in China belongs to the people.


Whole-process people's democracy is the defining feature of socialist democracy; it is democracy in its broadest, most genuine, and most effective form.


We must firmly stay on the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics, uphold the unity between Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance, and ensure the principal position of the people, so as to give full expression to their will, protect their rights and interests, and spark their creativity.


We will improve the system of institutions through which the people run the country. We will encourage the people's orderly participation in political affairs and guarantee their ability to engage in democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight in accordance with the law. We will inspire the people's motivation, initiative, and creativity, so as to consolidate and develop a lively, stable, and united political atmosphere.


1.Strengthening the institutions through which the people run the country


2.Fully developing consultative democracy


3.Actively developing democracy at the primary level


4.Consolidating and developing the broadest possible patriotic united front


We will remain committed to the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation and provide active guidance to religions so that they can adapt to socialist society.



VII. Exercising Law-Based Governance on All Fronts and Advancing the Rule of Law in China


The comprehensive advancement of law-based governance has been a profound revolution in China's governance. Law-based governance is important for the Party's success in governing and rejuvenating the country, for the wellbeing of the people, and for the long-term stability of the Party and the country.


We must follow a path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, develop a Chinese system of socialist rule of law, and establish China as a socialist country under the rule of law. We must, with a focus on protecting and promoting social fairness and justice, pursue coordinated progress in law-based governance, law-based exercise of state power, and law-based government administration and take integrated steps to build a country, government, and society based on the rule of law. We will make all-around efforts to ensure sound legislation, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and society-wide observance of the law and see that all work of the state is carried out under the rule of law.


1.Improving the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution at its core


Law-based governance and law-based exercise of state power begin with compliance with the Constitution. We must remain firmly committed to leadership of the Party, to the state system of people's democratic dictatorship, and to the political system of people's congresses, all of which are mandated by the Constitution.


We will better implement the Constitution and conduct constitutional oversight, and we will improve the systems for ensuring full compliance with the Constitution, so as to give better play to the Constitution's important role in China's governance and uphold its authority.


2.Steadily advancing law-based government administration


Building a law-based government is a key task and major part of comprehensively advancing law-based governance.


3.Ensuring strict and impartial administration of justice


We will deepen comprehensive and integrated reform of the judicial system, fully and faithfully enforce judicial accountability, and accelerate the development of a fair, efficient, and authoritative socialist judicial system. We will see that the people feel justice has been served in each and every judicial case.


4.Stepping up efforts to establish the rule of law throughout society


We will promote socialist rule of law and carry forward fine traditional Chinese legal culture, and we will encourage all our people to truly revere, readily observe, and firmly defend socialist rule of law.



VIII. Building Cultural Confidence and Strength and Securing New Successes in Developing Socialist Culture


To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must develop a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and be more confident in our culture.

我們要堅(jiān)持馬克思主義在意識(shí)形態(tài)領(lǐng)域指導(dǎo)地位的根本制度,堅(jiān)持為人民服務(wù)、為社會(huì)主義服務(wù),堅(jiān)持百花齊放、百家爭(zhēng)鳴,堅(jiān)持創(chuàng)造性轉(zhuǎn)化、創(chuàng)新性發(fā)展,以社會(huì)主義核心價(jià)值觀為引領(lǐng),發(fā)展社會(huì)主義先進(jìn)文化,弘揚(yáng)革命文化,傳承中華優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng) 文化,滿足人民日益增長(zhǎng)的精神文化需求,鞏固全黨全國(guó)各族人民團(tuán)結(jié)奮斗的共同思 想基礎(chǔ),不斷提升國(guó)家文化軟實(shí)力和中華文化影響力。

We should uphold the foundational system for ensuring the guiding role of Marxism in the ideological domain. We will ensure that culture serves the people and serves socialism. We will follow the principle of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and we will encourage creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese culture. Guided by the core socialist values, we will develop advanced socialist culture, promote revolutionary culture, and carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture, In doing so, we will be well-placed to meet people's eve-growing intellectual and cultural needs, consolidate a common intellectual foundation for the whole Party and all Chinese people to strive in unity, and continuously grow China's cultural soft power and the appeal of Chinese culture.


1.Developing a socialist ideology that has the power to unite and inspire the people


We must ensure that the Party firmly exercises leadership over this work and that the responsibility system for it is fully implemented. We will cement and expand the mainstream thoughts and ideas that inspire hard work in the new era.


2.Extensively applying the core socialist values


We will carry forward the long line of inspiring principles for the Chinese Communists that originated with the great founding spirit of the Party; put resources related to the Party's heritage to great use; conduct extensive public awareness activities to promote the core socialist values; enhance commitment to patriotism, collectivism, and socialism; and foster a new generation of young people to shoulder the mission of realizing national rejuvenation.


3.Enhancing civility throughout society


We will continue the civic morality campaign, carry forward traditional Chinese virtues, foster stronger family ties, values, and traditions, and raise the intellectual and moral standards of minors. We will build public commitment to the greater good, public morality, and personal integrity. These efforts will help raise public moral standards and enhance public civility.


4.Developing cultural programs and the cultural sector


We will encourage people-centered cultural creation and production of more outstanding works that inspire the people, and we will nurture a great number of writers and artists of both moral and artistic stature as well as a large contingent of talented personnel in culture and the arts.


5.Extending the reach and appeal of Chinese civilization


We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China's discourse and narrative systems, better tell China's stories, make China's voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.


We will strengthen our international communications capabilities, make our communications more effective, and strive to strengthen China's voice in international affairs so it is commensurate with our composite national strength and international status.



IX. Improving the People's Wellbeing and Raising Quality of Life


This country is its people; the people are the country.


We must strive to realize, safeguard, and advance the fundamental interests of all our people. To this end, we must do everything within our capacity to resolve the most practical problems that are of the greatest and most direct concern to the people. We will stay engaged with our people and their communities, adopt more measures that deliver real benefits to the people and win their approval, and work hard to resolve the pressing difficulties and problems that concern them most. We will improve the basic public services system to raise public service standards and make public services more balanced and accessible, so as to achieve solid progress in promoting common prosperity.


1.Improving the system of income distribution


We will keep distribution according to work as the mainstay with multiple forms of distribution existing alongside it, and we will build an institutional framework under which primary, secondary, and tertiary distribution are well coordinated and mutually complementary.


2.Implementing the employment-first strategy


We need to intensify efforts to implement the employment-first policy and improve related mechanisms to promote high-quality and full employment.


3.Improving the social security system


We will further improve the multi-tiered social security system that covers the entire population in urban and rural areas and see that it is fair, unified, reliable, well-regulated, and sustainable.


Adhering to the principle that housing is for living in and not for speculation, we will move faster to build a housing system featuring multiple suppliers and various channels of support that encourages both housing rentals and purchases.


4.Advancing the Healthy China Initiative


We must give strategic priority to ensuring the people's health and improve policies on promoting public health.



X.Pursuing Green Development and Promoting Harmony between Humanity and Nature


Nature provides the basic conditions for human survival and development.


We must uphold and act on the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and we must remember to maintain harmony between humanity and nature when planning our development.


1.Accelerating the transition to a model of green development


We must work faster to adjust and improve the industrial structure, the energy mix, and the composition of the transportation sector.


2.Intensifying pollution prevention and control


We will continue to control pollution in a lawful, targeted, and science-based way, and we will make further efforts to keep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean.


3.Enhancing diversity, stability, and sustainability in our ecosystems


Major projects for preserving and restoring key ecosystems will be carried out at a faster pace in priority areas, including key national ecosystem service zones, ecological conservation redlines, and nature reserves.


4.Working actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality


Based on China's energy and resource endowment, we will advance initiatives to reach peak carbon emissions in a well-planned and phased way in line with the principle of building the new before discarding the old.


XI.   Modernizing China's National Security System and Capacity and Safeguarding National

Security and Social Stability


National security is the bedrock of national rejuvenation, and social stability is a prerequisite for building a strong and prosperous China.


We must resolutely pursue a holistic approach to national security and promote national security in all areas and stages of the work of the Party and the country, so as to ensure national security and social stability.


1.Improving the national security system


We must uphold the Central Committee's centralized, unified leadership over national security work and make sure that our leadership system for national security is high-performing and authoritative.


2.Strengthening our capacity for safeguarding national security


We will resolutely safeguard the security of China's state power, systems, and ideology and build up security capacity in key areas. We will ensure the security of food, energy, and resources as well as key industrial and supply chains. We will strengthen our capacity to ensure overseas security and protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal entities overseas. We will safeguard China's maritime rights and interests and resolutely defend our country's sovereignty, security, and development interests.


3.Enhancing public safety governance


We will follow the principles of putting safety first and placing emphasis on prevention, and we will establish an overall safety and emergency response framework. The public safety system will be

improved, and we will drive a shift in public safety governance toward a model of prevention.


4.Improving the social governance system


We will improve the social governance system based on collaboration, participation, and shared benefits, so as to make social governance more effective.



XII.  Achieving the Centenary Goal of the People's Liberation Army and Further Modernizing

National Defense and the Military


Achieving the goals for the centenary of the People's Liberation Army in 2027 and more quickly elevating our people's armed forces to world-class standards are strategic tasks for building a modern socialist country in all respects.


Our people's armed forces are a heroic fighting force that enjoys the full trust of the Party and the people. They have the confidence and the ability to safeguard China's sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity; the confidence and the ability to provide strategic support for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; and the confidence and the ability to make yet greater contributions to world peace and development.


XIII. Upholding and Improving the Policy of One Country, Two Systems and Promoting

National Reunification


The policy of One Country, Two Systems is a great innovation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has proven to be the best institutional arrangement for ensuring sustained prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao after their return to the motherland. This policy must be adhered to over the long term.


We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the utmost effort, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary. This is directed solely at interference by outside forces and the few separatists seeking "Taiwan independence" and their separatist activities; it is by no means targeted at our Taiwan compatriots.

國(guó)家統(tǒng)一、民族復(fù)興的歷史車輪滾滾向前,祖國(guó)完全統(tǒng)一一定要實(shí)現(xiàn),也一定 夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)!

The wheels of history are rolling on toward China's reunification and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Complete reunification of our country must be realized, and it can, without doubt, be realized!



