

首頁 » 新聞中心 » 翻譯雜談 » 2024年政府工作報告重要語匯中文翻譯英語對照摘編-摘自中國翻譯
www.xcyqw.com 2024-06-24 13:48 翻譯公司


2023 was the first year for fully implementing the guiding principles from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).It was also this government's first year to perform its duties in accordance with the law.In the face of an unusually complex international environment and the challenging tasks of advancing reform and development and ensuring stability at home,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core brought together the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and led them in withstanding external pressures and overcoming internal difficulties with dedicated efforts.

2. 大力推進現(xiàn)代化產(chǎn)業(yè)體系建設,加快發(fā)展新質(zhì)生產(chǎn)力。

Striving to modernize the industrial system and developing new quality productive forces at a faster pace

3. 全面貫徹黨的教育方針,堅持把高質(zhì)量發(fā)展作為各級各類教育的生命線。制定實施教育強國建設規(guī)劃綱要。落實立德樹人根本任務,推進大中小學思想政治教育一體化建設。

We will fully implement the Party's education policy and regard high-quality development as the lifeblood of education of various types at all levels. We will formulate and implement a national program for strengthening education. We will carry out the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education and promote integrated development of the political

education curriculum across all levels, from elementary school to university.

4. 優(yōu)化消費環(huán)境,開展消費促進年 動,實施放心消費行動”,加強消費者權益保護,落實帶薪休假制度。實施標準提升行動,加快構建適應高質(zhì)量發(fā)展要求的標準體系,推動商品和服務質(zhì)量不斷提高,更好滿足人民群眾改善生活需要。

To improve the consumption environment, we will launch a year-long program to stimulate consumption and roll out a “worry-free consumption” initiative. We will strengthen protection of consumer rights and interests and fully implement paid leave. An initiative will be launched to upgrade standards and speedup the establishment of a system of standards to facilitate high-quality development.This will ensure steady improvement in the quality of goods and services and meet the people's needs for a better life.

5. 實施降低物流成本行動,健全防范化解拖欠企業(yè)賬款長效機制,堅決查處亂收費、亂罰款、亂攤派。弘揚優(yōu)秀企業(yè)家精神,積極支持企業(yè)家專注創(chuàng)新發(fā)展、敢干敢闖敢投、踏踏實實把企業(yè)辦好。

We will take steps to reduce logistic costs, improve the long-term mechanism for preventing and settling overdue payments owed to private businesses,and take resolute action to crack down on the imposition of arbitrary charges,fines,and quotas.We will promote fine entrepreneurial spirit and support entrepreneurs in focusing on innovative development,seizing the initiative to make bold explorations and invest in new operations, and leading their companies to greater success.


6. 加強進出口信貸和出口信保支持,優(yōu)化 跨境結(jié)算、匯率風險管理等服務,支持企業(yè)開拓多元化市場。促進跨境電商等新業(yè)態(tài)健康發(fā)展,優(yōu)化海外倉布局,支持加工貿(mào)易提檔升級,拓展中間品貿(mào)易、 綠色貿(mào)易等新增長點。

We will intensify support for import and export credit and export credit insurance and improve cross-border settlements, risk management for foreign exchange, and other services;we will support businesses in diversifying overseas markets.We will promote the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce and other new forms of business. Efforts will be made to optimize the layout of overseas warehouses,facilitate the upgrading of the processing trade,and increase new growth drivers for foreign trade,including trade in intermediate goods and green trade.

7. 抓好支持高質(zhì)量共建一帶一路八項行動的落實落地。穩(wěn)步推進重大項目合作,實施一批小而美民生項目,積極推動數(shù)字、綠色、創(chuàng)新、健康、文旅、減貧等領域合作。加快建設西部陸海新通道。

We will carry out the eight major measures for supporting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.We will steadily advance cooperation on major projects and implement a number of “small and beautiful”projects for improving the people's wellbeing.We will promote cooperation in fields such as digital development,green development,innovation, health,culture,tourism,and poverty reduction. Development of the New International Land- Sea Trade Corridor will be accelerated.

8. 建立同高質(zhì)量發(fā)展相適應的政府債務管理機制,完善全口徑地方債務監(jiān)測監(jiān)管體系,分類推進地方融資平臺轉(zhuǎn)型。

We will develop govemment debt management mechanisms that meet the needs of high- quality development,improve monitoring and oversight systems for the unified management of local govermment debt,and transform local financing platforms on a categorized basis.

9. 各地區(qū)都要扛起保障國家糧食安全責任。我們這樣一個人口大國,必須踐行好大農(nóng)業(yè)觀、大食物觀,始終把飯碗牢牢端在自己手上:

All local governments must shoulder their share of responsibility for ensuring national food security. As China has a large population, we must adopt an all-encompassing approach to agriculture and food and ensure that China's food supply remains firmly in our own hands.

10.深入學習貫徹習近平文化思想。廣泛踐 行社會主義核心價值觀。發(fā)展哲學社會 科學、新聞出版、廣播影視、文學藝術 和檔案等事業(yè)。制定推動文化傳承發(fā)展 的政策舉措。

We will gain a good understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture and act on it. We will promote core socialist values.We will develop philosophy,social sciences, the press and publishing,radio,film and television,literature and art,archiving,and other programs.We will roll out policies and measures to support cultural preservation and development.


We will,with a focus on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation,uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy,promote interaction,exchange,and integration among all ethnic groups,and speed up the modernization drive in ethnic minority regions.


We will modernize the military governance system,advance military development as outlined in the 14th Five-Year Plan,and speed up the implementation of major defense-related projects

