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www.xcyqw.com 2019-04-06 15:15 上海翻譯公司


Leadership by the CPC


China’s modem history attests to the fact that the CPC’s leadership role has been indispensable. It has been the people's choice. It is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and represents the greatest strength of our distinctly Chinese socialist system. Because of its paramount importance, it is included as the first of the basic policies for promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s report to the 19th National Congress.


 Leadership by the CPC covers all aspects of national governance. We must heighten our political awareness, develop our ability to see a bigger picture, follow the leadership core, and align all our programs and initiatives with the agenda of the central leadership. The authority and the centralized leadership role of the Party Central Committee must be respected. We must think and act in line with the strategic thinking of the Central Committee. The institutional structure ensuring the CPC leadership should be improved and strengthened. Efforts must continue to ensure stability, while promoting in an integrated manner economic, political, cultural, and social development and environmental protection. It is also essential to coordinate effective implementation of the four-pronged strategy of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society, pursuing an expanded in-depth reform agenda, improving the rule of law, and strengthening Party discipline. We must enhance the Party’s ability and resolve to chart our course, craft overall plans and policies, and pursue reform, and ensure the Party's role of overall leadership and coordination.


A People-centered Approach


The people arc the creators of history. Their contribution determines the future of our Party and our country. In his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping highlights the importance of a people-centered approach to promoting human development and bringing prosperity to all. Our people-centered philosophy is key to the Party's political thinking. It is what distinguishes a Marxist party from other political parties, and is reflected in all our economic and social development initiatives, attesting to the centrality of the wellbeing of the people on the Party’s agenda. Implementing such a philosophy calls for respect for the people's ownership role and sensitivity to their yearning for a better life. It is our responsibility to always serve, defend and uphold the best interests of the people, and pursue development efforts in their interests, for their benefit, and reliant on their contributions.


Further reform and innovation are critical to addressing quality and efficiency concerns in our development efforts, so as to produce more quality products to satisfy the people’s growing material and cultural needs. It is essential to create an environment that encourages creativity and innovation, and helps individuals, including workers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and officials at all levels, realize their full potential. It is imperative to continue to strengthen and improve our basic socialist economic and distribution system, especially income redistribution mechanisms, including by rationalizing the taxation regime, strengthening social security, and increasing government transfer payments. These and other related measures aim to better ensure social equity and justice, and narrow the existing income gap and more broadly and equitably share development gains.


Our people-centered development philosophy reflects the Party’s overarching goal of serving the public good, and the principles of historical materialism that emphasizes the role of the people in turning the wheel of history. It is in line with our aspirations to bring prosperity to all and our value system that highlights the centrality of the people.


In-depth Reform in All Respects


The decision on issues concerning in-depth reform in all respects adopted by the 18th CPC Central Committee at its Third Plenary Session presents an overall plan of action, a timetable and a roadmap for reform initiatives to be implemented by 2020. The overall goal of our all-round push for further reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and to modernize China's governance system and capabilities. Reform will not be restricted to one or a few particular fields, but will involve a wide range of areas, including economic, political, cultural, social, and environmental policies, national defense, the military, and efforts to build a more open society. Success will not materialize with the efforts of a few particular departments, but will hinge on the concerted efforts of all actors. Our reform has no fixed timeframe; it is an on-going process that spans generations. It entails resolve to break down all anachronistic barriers, whether ideological or institutional, and to overcome resistance from vested interests. It is crucial to draw upon useful experiences of world civilization in our push to build a comprehensive, rational, rule-based, and effective framework that helps realize the full potential of our socialist system. The purpose of our reform is, in a word, to promote social equity and justice, and more broadly and equitably share development gains, so that benefits from reform are more tangibly felt.


New Concept for Development


Development is key to addressing all major existing problems in China. It must be pursued in a rational manner. It must be an innovation-driven, coordinated, and green process oriented toward global progress and beneficial to all.


We must strengthen and improve our socialist economic and distribution system, and must unswervingly consolidate and develop public sector, while encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of private enterprises. The market should be allowed to play a decisive role in resource allocation. The government should better play its role in promoting new industrialization, expanded use of information technology, urbanization, and agricultural modernization in an integrated manner. We must actively participate in and promote economic globalization, and build an open economy that focuses more on higher-end industries, a move that will further enhance China's economic power and composite national strength.

